迎新春 银联62卡专属好礼

Welcome the Lunar New Year with Exclusive UnionPay “62” Rewards Spend More, Enjoy More! $620 Exclusive Gift!

活动时间 | Promotion Period

1 月 23 日开始
Starts January 23

活动规则 | Promotion Details

持 银联卡(卡号以 62 开头),在 南海岸广场精品店 当日累计消费 满 $8,888 美元(税前,即可凭购物收据获得 价值 $620 美元的精美礼品!
Shop with your UnionPay card (starting with 62) and spend $8,888 (pre-tax) in one day at South Coast Plaza boutiques to receive a $620 luxury gift.

礼品领取 | Gift Redemption

当日凭购物收据 至南海岸广场任意四个礼宾部领取。
Present your same-day receipts at any of South Coast Plaza’s four Concierge locations to claim your gift.

A total of 62 gifts are available, one per UnionPay card per day, while supplies last.

特别声明 | Disclaimer

South Coast Plaza 拥有本活动的最终解释权。
South Coast Plaza reserves the right to the final interpretation of this promotion.

Happening Now

Receive one $100 South Coast Plaza gift card when you present a minimum $2,000 in same-day receipts (before tax) from South Coast Plaza boutiques on your UnionPay card (starting with 62).*

Receipts can be presented at any of South Coast Plaza’s four Concierge locations.

Gift card limited to one per UnionPay card per day, while supplies last.


  • 持卡人须出示有效的银联卡(卡号以62开头)并使用银联卡购买,方可参加银联持卡人优惠和奖励活动。
  • 优惠奖励活动每天每张银联卡限领一次。
  • 银联持卡人的优惠和奖励活动不包括在Saks Fifth Avenue, Macy’s, Macy’s Men’s Store, Macy’s Home Store, Nordstrom 和 Bloomingdale’s 百货公司;Segerstrom Center for the Arts;以及Westin South Coast Plaza进行的购物消费。购买 South Coast Plaza 礼品卡和购买其他商店/餐厅的礼品券/卡不符合本次银联优惠和奖励条件。South Coast Plaza 以及 South Coast Plaza 的商店和餐馆的员工和导购服务人员及其直系亲属不符合本次优惠和奖励的参与资格。
  • 购物小票必须来自当日消费,且购物发票的累计税前总金额必须满足优惠活动的最低消费要求。
  • South Coast Plaza 保留在任何时候修改或取消此促销活动的权利。


*Terms & Conditions

  • Cardholder has to show and purchase with valid UnionPay card (card number starting with 62) to participate in the promotion.
  • Offer is limited to one per UnionPay card per day.
  • Offer excludes purchases made at Saks Fifth Avenue, Macy’s, Macy’s Men’s Store, Macy’s Home Store, Nordstrom, and Bloomingdale’s department stores; Segerstrom Center for the Arts; and The Westin South Coast Plaza. Purchases of South Coast Plaza gift cards and purchases of other store/restaurant gift certificates/cards are not eligible for this offer. Employees and stylists of South Coast Plaza and of the stores and restaurants at South Coast Plaza, and their immediate family members, are not eligible to participate.
  • Qualifying receipts must be from same-day purchases with total amount before taxes.
  • South Coast Plaza reserves the right to modify or cancel this promotion at any time.

Celebrate Lunar New Year

Enjoy a captivating cultural exhibit, unique Year of the Snake collections, dazzling events and special entertainment to welcome the Lunar New Year
